What is your service policy for inclement weather?
Garbage and recycling collection schedules may be affected by severe bad weather. If schools are closed, solid waste and recycling (including yard debris) collection may be canceled.
Will I receive a credit when collection was missed due to inclement weather?
If we deem conditions to be unsafe for our drivers and therefore unable to service your address, we will pick up extras that are equivalent to your current cart size at no extra charge on your next service day in lieu of crediting your account. Please place any extra garbage in a garbage bag next to your cart. We recommend storing your recycling and gradually adding it over the following recycle weeks. You may use the recyclable Kraft paper bags for extra yard debris and set out two filled Kraft paper bags next to your cart on your next scheduled yard debris week.
What do I do with extra garbage?
Anything not completely inside the cart or container is considered extra garbage and will be charged for. This includes roll carts and/or containers where the lid is not completely closed. Please place all extra garbage in a bag by garbage cart leaving 5 feet on each side of can for automated pick up. Drop boxes and bulky item pick up are also available, please see the drop box tab or contact our office for additional information.
What do I use for extra yard debris set outs?
Please use the recyclable brown Kraft paper yard debris bags found at most hardware and/or grocery stores. A charge will apply per extra yard debris set out.
Plastic bags are not acceptable.
What if my yard debris is frozen?
During winter yard debris can freeze inside the cart thus it may cause the contents to become stuck in the cart. May we suggest that you fill one recyclable yard debris Kraft paper bag with your yard debris and place it first in the bottom of your cart which can, in most cases, help frozen yard debris empty from your cart. Also, if possible keep the cart in your garage during the winter to help keep it from freezing.
What if I am going on vacation?
Vacation credits will be given after two consecutive weeks or longer, and only when arranged in advance with the office.
What should I do if I am moving?
It is the customer's responsibility to stop or transfer service. If you are moving, please call in advance so we can best schedule the change. Outgoing customers are responsible for service until notice is given to our office. Carts to be returned upon cancellation of service or subject to a per cart charge.
How often are bills sent out?
Invoices are generated and mailed out either monthly or bi-monthly.
When is my payment due?
Your current bill is due by the 10th of the following month. Please contact us if you expect your payment will be past due.
What if I have a question regarding my bill?
Contact us immediately if you find an error on your bill. Our invoice will be considered correct unless our office is notified within 30 days of invoice date.
How do I change my billing address?
For billing address changes, check the box on the front of the payment stub and provide your new billing address below the checked box.
What is auto pay?
We offer our free "auto pay" whereby your payment is automatically paid for your service through your checking account without any transaction fees. Call for more information.
What holidays will affect my garbage service?
Drivers work all holidays, except Christmas, and New Year's Day. Please be prepared for service one day later than usual if your regular service day falls on or after the holiday in that week, unless the holiday falls on a weekend.
What is the difference between Rural and Urban zones?
Rural are those customers located in unincorporated Washington County areas while urban customers are located within incorporated Washington County.
How can I go green?
Use electronic pay to reduce the use of paper.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Want to recycle more? Check out our Recycle+ program here!